And so she stopped asking

For the longest while,

there had been questions itching at the silken surface just beneath my tongue.

And having gotten wind of the fact that I, as only one person,

am not allowed to know everything, and that's a good thing 

allow those questions to fester for longer than they should.

But eventually,

I shook them off my shagged tongue like the stiff, sandy beach towel that it is. 

And so I asked the world who I was and it did more than show me. 

See, the thing I've realized about asking questions is that

the world will give you the whirlwind of answers that you seek, 

and the persons that people said world

need not tell you the answer in order to explain it clearly. 

I asked the world where it was that I was meant to be going,

and for the longest time it led me to believe that my destination was nowhere.

Not because it was the answer to my question,

but because it was a question that the earth would ask of its people.

And eventually I would find myself not satisfied with nowhere,

but nowhere in particular. 

It is not the world that molds our path, but rather 

the people who stand in our way just to show us where the walls in our minds are. 

The sights and sounds are the only necessary answers

to questions that should not be asked,

but will continue to be pondered for as long

as people refuse to clear their ears and wipe the doubt from their eyes. 

The world bejewels itself as a woman scorned 

through the wrath of veins that man brands into her body every day. 

From the unadorned simplicity found in her lack of curiosity,

she could have wandered the galaxy for ages without a single thought. 

She is spoiled rotten by seas that we drown in

while trying to simply see into one another. 

The questions that she asks are answered,

and that in it of itself will not satisfy the ravenous hunger of her molten core. 

For the answers do not exist for her satisfaction,

but rather to keep life droning on.

Human Dignity + Compassion = Peace.