
Late at night,

When we all close our eyes,

We enter a world

Where all of our thoughts roam.

We enter a scene of our most deep thoughts.

The ones trapped in our sub-conscious.

Our minds create a story.

A story that our mind plays and experiments with like a ball of dough.

Making it into whatever fits.

As though it were all a puzzle.

Not that all of the pieces are even there.

A master piece that reveals all of our real opinions on everything.

How the real world is viewed from our mind's eye.

Flowing right through if it weren't even your own life.

As though you were the passenger in someone elses' mind.

Living out their life for them.

Not interfering.

Merely observing.

Seeing how your sub-conscious self would have dealt with your life.

If it was put into its hands.

But there's a point in between;

In between your dreams,

And awakening to yourself.

It is a place where all of the dreams fully surface for a moment.

And in that moment,

The full meaning of the dreams surface.

Anything that happened,

Didn't happen.

Everything that was said,

Or done.

And in the last millisecond of your time in that moment,

There is an even thinner line then the area itself,

Where your mind attempts in processing the dreams and merging them 

With your other thoughts.

Yet when you awaken,

Your mind realizes that the images and events that your sub-conscious 


Are too much for it to handle.

So they are let go of.

Never to be remembered. 


And you are left cluelsessly clawing at the memories 

That you can almost feel at the tip of your toungue.

They have vanished.

Clawed at,

And drifting into the universe.

Human dignity + compassion= Peace.