Wisdom teeth.

The things that we never need always seem to stay with us the longest. 

Parts of the body that just always seem to be there all of a sudden aren't.

Subtle as it leaves,

the spark that kept you lively fades into a distance 

to a point where it can no longer be seen. 

One day, 

when you wake up,

nothing seems as pure as it once was, and neither do you. 

Slowly the exposure to the unknown seems to seep into you.

All of the baby teeth fall out,

and you keep them as a symbol the smile that kept you going so long. 

The wonder of one's eyes leaves faster than any speed their legs could carry. 

Innocence is blown into oblivion as a person becomes their true self.

No one ages with the grace of the dove that

we wish to become. 

Never do we hurt more than when the growing pains come

screeching in like claws to hollow us out as the books that we write and title "life."

There is no greater sacrifice than the one that everyone makes

to grow into someone they've never met. 

Human Dignity + Compassion = Peace.