Debates on Defiance.

All throughout history, 

individuals have been seen revolutionizing themselves and others,

but why? 

Of course, this is how change happens

and is the reason that these acts against order are so sacrificial to one's well being. 

But change is what humans fear most because of its tendency to lead into the unknown. 

This how evolution begins and never seems to end. 

It always begins with one, and soon it spreads like a cold sore-

wanting nothing to do with what was the cold war

but buying into the propaganda that never paid back. 

All in the fear of the men and other women cowering behind them,

filled to the brim with children and fear of their sons becoming their superceders. 

For some reason, Men became the hostility that even other men feared. 

I suppose we should all rejoice in ink gliding across hollow paper. 

But it would take so much red to repair the damage of the black that 

the world's oceans would be murky as the piety that we pretend to uphold. 

Perhaps that one defiant thought made a baby step,

but there will never be a dent made in the impenetrable wall of presistant ignorance.

Human Dignity + Compassion = Peace.