
I have a stamp.

It lies right on my face. 

It indicates what you are able to see.

What you see from a first glance.

From this you try to fit puzzle pieces together.

What race I could be,

how I may act,

how big my heart is.

No one thinks of how unfair this might be. 

If only you had a pair of X- Ray glasses to look at the world through. 

The person you see and hurt would matter more to you now that you know that

you were wrong.

The pain you cause never lands until it hits you.

And it will.

By someone with better judgement and a pair of glasses.

They will judge you in harsher ways where it matters most. 

You won't like what they have to say. 

Your stamp will not lie on your face like mine. 

It will be somewhere worse.

Somewhere only you can see it.

Your heart.

Human Dignity + Compassion = Peace.