
I spent a precedented amount of time in waiting for these feelings. 

This knowledge that I care for something, and 

the anticipation of it being ripped from the hands that never held it in the first place. 

The love that I funnel towards you could be used in better places, 

but it never gets there because 

I'll always fear that I didn't try hard enough, that I wasn't sweet enough. 

It's hard to bend over backwords for a person that will never notice. 

Surrounded by those who seem to care could make a person feel so solitary 

as they never get that love from the one person that they need it from.

One blink from you and I'd have been out of any room, 

and I'd have done anything or gone anywhere had it merit. 

But the actions and places don't seem to be as substantial anymore. 

It's become clear that I as a person does not matter to someone such as you.

I tried all things to stop seeing you.

But I'll find my eyes searching for yours and I regret seeing them because 

it reminds me that I cared too much again. 

It's horribly terrifying because I know that you're leaving to start your life out, 

and I'll be stuck in the dust of the asphalt that you pass. 

It hurts to be left so far behind because

you know that you'll never be what they want. 

You grow up being told that there's someone out there for you, 

and then you think that you've found them and it's all a gas. 

I wish to take the love that I gave you back so that 

I could polish it off and recycle it.

But I'd rather let you keep it, though you aren't aware that it's there. 

Love is a universal thing, in the sense that 

it could be given everywhere because one can make as much of it as they wish. 

I'll make more. 

With the heart that never quite worked, I'll make more. 

It may be as disfunctional as I am, but that'll have to do. 

Entering this toxic world gives you one heart. 

One heart to keep everything flowing. 

One heart to move you, 

and one heart to bruise you.

Love doth both move and bruise, but for some reason

most people deem it necessary. 

This is a time that I will see that the love that I can give myself 

is more valuable than any of the love that will be given to me by any other. 

People were put on this earth at the same time for a reason,

whether or not any of us know what that is. 

I must move unto the rest ofn my life feeling everthing because 

dropping one and leaving it behind is like dropping a crumb, 

and I do not need a trail to see wherst I've been. 

Nor will I need to return,

for I have absorbed all that I needed from this mere moment,

and left part of me behind. 

It's a part that I no longer need, but for you and the atmosphere to keep. 

Human Dginity + Compassion = Peace.