Fallen Bandages.

In almost all forms of art,

people express the pain that they've been put through.

The unspeakable horror of what other people have done. 

But what about when they heal from that?

Pain isn't the only thing that people can relate to.

People go through unspeakable pain, yes.

But what if they're tired of being in the same mode all the time?

What happens when they want to heal?

There is a time to feel grief and suffering 

and wallow to widths of no end.

But, if there's a time to do all of that, 

then why shouldn't there be a time to patch yourself up?

To fall,

But be able to pick yourself up and walk away?

The reason that there isn't a piece of art for this is because

It takes a lot of strength to do both.

It's understandable that we fall.

No one was made without a flaw. 

Flaws trigger problems.

It's that simple. 



it is okay to stay down once in a while.

But the longer you stay down

the harder it is to get back up.

But after that while, 

whether it was long or short,

you have to get back up.

There isn't a point in staying down.

If anything, it holds you back from embracing your 

Full potential.

Everyone is beautiful whether they choose to believe it or not.

Staying under an ocean of greif only makes it harder to see.

It doesn't help other people see how beautiul you are 

and it doesn't help you see yourself.

Sometimes, it doesn't matter how other people see you, 

but it matters only how you see yourself. 

Uncover yourself so that you can see the awesome person that you are.

Your potential is a limited as you make it which means that 

if you realy wanted,

it's unlimited.


when you've fallen,

get backup.

And as you walk away, 

Take your bandages off.

But take them off for you.

Other people will look,

and they'll see whatever it is that they want to see.

But, for a change, 

So will you.

Be the piece of art that heals wounds.

Cuts make scars, sure.

But, scars heal.

And soon, they'll be another memory that you won't have to fall for.

Human Dignity + Compassion = Peace.