Inner Modifications.

I walk through crowded passageways,

and I see so many different people.

Each one of them has a different story book

with millions of pags

that represent every minute that they're alive.

But once I know that,

I see what they are physically.

They're all as different as their stories are.

With different beginnings and endings.

But why must people change the bodies that they were born with so much?

I'll see people who get plastic put into them,

Things that are enlarged,




and some people don't like what gender they are either.

So they change everything.

But what about who they are on the inside?

Some of these people could be horrible.

And I wouldn't know because I'm at such a distance.

How is the outer shell better than the inner substance?

I suppose this is what makes people shallow.

When they spend so much time preening their outer shells,

that they never try to dig a little deeper to really see.

Since they never try,there's nothing there to see.

I wonder if they feel empty from the substance that won't be there.

Like the shallow tide not having too much water and

a whole lot of sand.

If I were to give myself inner modifications, 

I would try to put my heart back together and stich it up so it looked

like a puzzle that took me forever to put back together.

Or maybe I wouldn't.

The space that the rest of my heart took up,

I filled with the thoughts that I write.

It is not blank,

it just isn't full of what you'd think it would be.

Each piece that I'd have sewed,

I wouldn't have learned from.

I wouldn't have the longing that I do for the piece that once was.

It's a pipe dream like the rest of them, but

pipes always seem to be getting smoked regardless.

What I have instead is a lesson that comes through it.

Shallow people like to see the light over view of the world.

This doesn't include the actual darkness that the world is actualy made of 

but the nice "The grass is green everywhere" type of mentality 

that no one can really understand.

But it suits them so that their souls don't have to suffer.

They merely prefer to ignore the ones that do...

 Which is pretty much everyone else.

Pain is a thing to be learned from.

For instance,

a child pricks his finger on a sewing needle.

That child won't be going near another.

The shallow avoid pain like the plague because

they're afraid that their hearts will break and they will become 

Freaks like they view the rest of us.

I suppose they're right.

Imperfection is their downfall.

As it is everyone elses.

Human Dignity + Compassion = Peace